Over forty years ago, the same year as Neil Armstrong's famous moon landing and the Woodstock concert, a group of employees at Bell Labs developed the UNIX® operating system. Today, as you well know, the UNIX system has become one of the most widely adopted operating systems in the world.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary, The Open Group, the steward of the UNIX standard and owner of the UNIX trademark, ran two competitions, including a give away of 40 UNIX License plates and a UNIX laptop computer.
Due to the popularity of the License Plate giveaway we extended the competition through 2010, 2011 and 2013. As we are still receiving requests for plates, the good news is that we will continue to give plates away periodically.
Win a UNIX License Plate
Tweet and win a plate
Winners will be announced by the unixr twitter account. Click on the twitter icon to follow us
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the US and other countries.